For the last three weeks, participants from 18 countries participated in an exciting and dynamic course on ‘New Pedagogies in the 21st Century for Higher Education Teachers’ held in Jerusalem, Israel. These three weeks were very intensive and interactive but we took part in a variety of group discussions and seminars delivered by leading experts in different disciplines. We also attended practical workshops and made professional visits. The higher education institutions we would particularly highlight were the; Gordon College of Education, Bar Ilan University’s National Center for Simulation on Education and Atobe Entrepreneurial Center at Azrieli College of Engineering. The new innovative ideas and ways of classroom organisations we observed in these institutions impressed us as we were not aware of them before. The new pedagogical approaches, innovative practices and experiential learning we acquired will be further developed and implemented in our home countries.
Due to diversity and different backgrounds of the team members, the values of what we learnt also vary from new teaching pedagogies, innovation in education, and organizational structure to entrepreneurial spirit. The course of study proved to us that technology is an integral part of curriculum in Israel education. Moreover, the Israel government is dedicated to support educators in innovation in teaching and learning for 21st century. The spirit of sharing and openness to international collaboration we take from Israel will serve as a motivation to enhance innovative teaching pedagogies in our home universities.
Closer to the end of the programme, we were assigned to develop projects in four key sectors: micro and macro level of education, teaching and learning environment and community services. The projects that all participants proposed will be a blueprint to further educational development in our countries for the sake of students and teachers, university, community and the society at large. Some of the proposed projects may not be as effective and easy to implement as it is expected, but adapting the core innovative principles in teaching and learning is an ultimate goal of each of us.
Another asset that we gained is network of professionals from 19 countries that will go a long way in exchanging ideas, conducting collaborative research and making our educational journeys more fruitful. Out of the three weeks interaction new great friendships have been nurtured.
On behalf of 26 participants we would like to appreciate the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, MASHAV, A.Orfi Center, all respective Israel Embassies for welcoming stay and interesting training.