You must have heard this word before, “globalization”. But have you dedicated a second to think about this term and its consequences over your life? And furthermore- how can you contribute to shaping the new generation accordingly, with METC’s schools online program?
As a matter of fact, one of the first uses of the term “globalization” is found in a 1930 paper concerning the human holistic experience of education. Only, later on, have it began to describe vast economic relations between states, heavy migration movements, global politics and basically everything which is beyond the limited space of a state or region. Today we see globalization in massive transactions and commerce, but above all, at the merge of cultures and ideas from around the world.

Those phenomena shape our daily reality even if we do not dedicate attention to it. Yet, we should. As people who are in charge of education, one of our roles is to prepare children to the labor market.
What do our children need in order to be ready for life in an era of globalization?
1. Language: the most important thing for communication with people is language. While people are required to share complex and simple ideas with people who speak a completely different language, what they need is “Lengua Franca”- a mediating language. This particular language changes through the times, but fluency in it is very crucial for the individual’s success and social mobility. Nowadays it is English, and important roles require knowing it on a high level.
2. Global understanding: Besides knowing the language, one has to be aware of the other’s culture, mindset and traditions. Understanding the other comes through knowing him, thus accepting and caring for him.
3. Technological thinking: knowing how to use technology around us is more than a functional need or skill. It is a mindset designed to achieve the best that we can out of every situation, overcoming every obstacle in the way with creativity.

Our “virtual schools collaboration” is designed to do just that. Every participating school is being matched with a partner in its level (pedagogically and technically) and starts the interaction, at first only between the leading teachers and the guiding team member from Ofri center. The teachers receive a suggested syllabus from us, with a unit for personal choice. By the suggested plan, every month the students practice one task and one video-online chat in class. The tasks develop their personal skills such as language, expression, and technological usage. The plan takes 7 months (October- May) from enrollment through the final project, which can be combined in regular classes). Participants- teachers, principals, and students as one- are very satisfied with the program and ask to take it again the years after.